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ICC, Sydney

Event management: prevention is better than chaos

Jun 20, 2019

Deep Dive 3: Risks in the event management market are broad. Current threats range from food poisoning, theft, crowd control, violence, fire, terrorist attacks and data breaches – to name just a few.

As part of our 2019 Deep Dive series, we explore risks in event management. Stay tuned in the coming weeks leading up to Security 2019 for the trends affecting the different sectors.

Darren Horne, senior manager of security and safety at Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, says the event-management industry is experiencing a greater need for security managers to focus on preventative rather than reactive security measures that encompass a much wider pool of threats. This trend is being driven by client expectations and a changing security environment, he says.

“Because of global incidents, clients are more aware of the threats to their own personal safety, so it’s not just security managers thinking about security and safety,” Horne says. “That means there is more emphasis on the planning phase of security and a greater consultation process with the client.”

As for security measures currently in place, Horne says event personnel are employing a diverse range of traditional security measures as well as more modern measures that reflect a changing security environment. “Physical security measures such as bag checking are still being used but we’re also starting to see advanced digital technologies like artificial intelligence, exception reporting and facial recognition via smart CCTV cameras,” he says.

Data security is also a priority for event management personnel. New regulations both in Australia and overseas, namely the Notifiable Data Breaches Scheme (NDB Scheme) and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are putting pressure on Australian security personnel to better protect customer data.

According to Horne, the risk of terrorist attack is also a growing concern for security managers, especially at public events, and should be taken into consideration in risk-assessment strategies. “Here the emphasis is on looking at the wider potential for terrorist threats that encompasses traditional threats but also the rising trend of new threats where everyday items could be used to harm individuals,” Horne says.

Read the previous Deep Dive: Devil in the retail: spotlight on shrinkage

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