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A Q&A with Marc Bindner

Mar 27, 2014

Job Title : Marketing Manager & Business Development Manager

Company : FSH Fire & Security Hardware

1. How has fire and security hardware transformed over the last five years?
The biggest transformation we have seen in recent years is the realisation that fire safety and security solutions need to be considered as interlinked, especially when considering door locking systems. This means locking systems need to provide protection from both a fire safety and security point of view.

Traditionally, the industry has very much considered fire safety and security as two separate disciplines that are handled independently of each other. For example, a traditional door in a retail environment was primarily designed and installed to address security/loss-prevention concerns. However, in terms of a fire emergency, it often lacked the appropriate technology to provide protection.

Today, the industry has come to understand the need to develop products and solutions that meet the requirements in both situations – whether it be for example, to protect goods against theft, or provide a compliant exit route during a fire emergency.

2. Can you discuss one of your latest innovative solutions? How does it work and what makes it unique?
One of the solutions that addresses both the needs of fire safety and security is FSH’s Delayed Egress Locking Device range, the MEM2400EXT Series. The series of high security loss-prevention locking devices incorporates a range of unique patented electromechanical locking devices for hinged doors, designed to secure fire exit doors where high security is of paramount importance.

The series incorporates both magnetic and mechanical design principles to achieve an exceptional holding force of more than 1000kg and includes an in-built automatic timeout system, local alarm feature and a mini CCTV camera.

The MEM2400EXT Series is equipped with 2 alarm stages. ALARM STAGE 1 is a designated “Nuisance Delay Period”, adjustable from 0 to 3 seconds. This feature is activated on initial pressure being applied to the locked door. At this time, a local (fast) pulsating buzzer sounds, the local alarm relay is activated and the long distance backlight flashes rapidly “red”. If pressure is removed from the door within the nuisance delay period the local alarm conditions will automatically reset. However should continual pressure be applied to the door, such as when a thieve is trying to escape, ALARM STAGE 2 is initiated. The door remains secure and the “Release Delay Period”, adjustable to 15 or 30 seconds, commences, giving the security guards a time window to respond to the incident. At this time, the local alarm buzzer is locked into slow pulsing sound and the remote alarm relay is activated. After the release delay period has expired the device will automatically unlock, allowing the door to be freely opened. Meanwhile, the in-built CCTV records the entire incident for future references.

In terms of a fire emergency situation, the fire alarm automatically triggers the delayed egress locking system to be released, allowing for instant and easy exit. This solution also complies to the requirements set out by the Building Code of Australia (BCA).

3. What particular industries are adopting this type of new solutions? In what situations is this being used?
The locking devices are used predominately in the retail sector and most commonly used to prevent theft. For example, a thief will often use a back fire exit door as a means to escape quickly and unnoticed. However, with a delayed egress locking device in place, an alarm is triggered and the delayed locking system prevents the theft from fleeing immediately. In case of a fire situation, the fire alarm automatically unlocks the door, so there is no delay.

4. How important is it for businesses to have these types of solutions in place?
The delayed egress locking device is extremely important for all businesses as an effective and economical loss prevention measure. While businesses will always place increased importance on protecting themselves from loss, the delayed egress locking device can still provide protection, without compromising on safety. Subsequently, the locking device compiles to regulations outlined by the BCA, which places the protection of human life over the protection of goods.

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