Victorian Government Review of Private Security Industry Released
The Final Report on the Review of Victoria's Private Security Industry makes 21 recommendations for change
Following the Victorian Government’s commitment to review the Private Security Industry in 2018, a final report has been released. The report includes 21 recommendations for change, with a view to raise industry standards, improve safety of employees and the community and ensure workers are paid properly and employed under fair terms and conditions.
The Review began in January 2020 and undertook a full examination of the current licensing and regulatory framework to determine whether any legislative or practice reforms are appropriate to improve the safety and security of all Victorians.
At the conclusion of the Review, some of the changes, such as updating and streamlining the licensing scheme will require legislative change. Whereas others, such as increased oversight of training quality and some industrial relations initiatives will not.
As a follow up to the Final Report of the Review of Victoria’s Private Security Industry, ASIAL will be participating in a series of working groups to advance recommendations included in the report.
It is envisaged that the recommendations will be submitted for consideration by cabinet after Easter.
To read the full report view here >
This article was supplied by ASIAL, lead industry partner of Security Exhibition & Conference. For more industry updates and product news, subscribe here.
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